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- 1
G.E. Andrews.
On the foundations of combinatorial theory V, Eulerian
differential operators.
Stud. App. Math., 50:345--375, 1971.
(MR 46#8845).
- 2
P. Appell.
Sur une classe de polynômes (French, On a class of
Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup, (2) 9:119--144, 1880.
- 3
A.K. Avramjonok.
The theory of operators (n-dimensional case) in combinatorial
analysis (Russian).
In Combinatorial analysis and asymptotic analysis no. 2, pages
103--113. Krasnojarsk Gos. Univ., Krasnojarsk, 1977.
(MR 80c:05017).
- 4
M. Barnabei.
Lagrange inversion in infinitely many variables.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 108:198--210, 1985.
(MR 86j:05023).
- 5
G. Baron and P. Kirschenhofer.
Operatorenkalkül über freien Monoiden. III.
Lagrangeinversion und Sheffersysteme (German, Operator calculus on
free monoids III. Lagrange inversion and Sheffer systems).
Monatsh. Math., 92:83--103, 1981.
(MR 83d:05006b).
- 6
E.T. Bell.
The history of Blissard's symbolic calculus, with a sketch of the
inventor's life.
Amer. Math. Monthly, 45:414--421, 1938.
(Zbl. 19, 389).
- 7
E.T. Bell.
Postulational bases for the umbral calculus.
Amer. J. Math., 62:717--724, 1940.
(MR 2, 99).
- 8
L.C. Biedenharn, R.A. Gustafson, M.A. Lohe, J.D. Louck, and S.C. Milne.
Special functions and group theory in theoretical physics.
In Special functions: group theoretical aspects and
applications, Math. Appl., pages 129--162. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1984.
(MR 86h:22034).
- 9
L.C. Biedenharn, R.A. Gustafson, and S.C. Milne.
An umbral calculus for polynomials characterizing tensor
Adv. Math., 51:36--90, 1984.
(MR 86m:05016).
- 10
J.W. Brown.
On multivariable Sheffer sequences.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 69:398--410, 1979.
(MR 80j:05007).
- 11
V.M. Bukhshtaber and A.N. Kholodov.
Boas-Buck structures on sequences of polyomials.
Funct. Anal. Appl., 23((4)):266--276, 1990.
(MR 91d:26017).
- 12
M. Cerasoli.
Enumerazione binomiale e processi stocastici di Poisson composti.
Bollettino U.M.I., (5) 16-A:310--315, 1979.
(MR 80k:05008).
- 13
L. Cerlienco, G. Nicoletti, and F. Piras.
Polynomial sequences associated with a class of incidence coalgebras.
Ann. Discr. Math., 30:159--169, 1986.
(MR 88b:05018).
- 14
L. Cerlienco and F. Piras.
G-R-sequences and incidence coalgebras of posets of full binomial
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 115:46--56, 1986.
(MR 87k:05018).
- 15
Ch. Charalambides and J. Singh.
A review of the Stirling numbers, their generalizations and
statistical applications.
Comm. Stat. Th. Methods, (8) 17:2533--2595, 1988.
(MR 89d:62017).
- 16
F.M. Cholewinski.
The finite calculus associated with Bessel functions,
volume 75 of Contemporary Mathematics.
Amer. Math. Soc., 1988.
(MR 89m:05013).
- 17
J. Cigler.
Operatormethoden für q-Identitäten III: Umbrale
inversion und die Lagrangesche formel.
Arch. Math., 35:533--543, 1980.
(MR 83g:05008).
- 18
J. Cigler.
Operatormethoden für q-Identitäten II: q-Laguerre
Monatsh. Math., 91:105--117, 1981.
(MR 83g:05007).
- 19
H.B. Curry.
Abstract differential operators and interpolation formulas.
Portugal. Math., 10:135--162, 1951.
(MR 13, 632).
- 20
H.T. Davis.
The theory of linear operators.
Principia Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 1936.
(bibliography on Appell polynomials on p. 25 etc.).
- 21
A. Di Bucchianico.
Banach algebras, logarithms, and polynomials of convolution type.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 156:253--273, 1991.
(MR 92d:46123).
- 22
A. Di Bucchianico.
Representations of Sheffer polynomials.
Stud. Appl. Math., 93:1--14, 1994.
- 23
A. Di Bucchianico and D.E. Loeb.
A simpler characterization of Sheffer polynomials.
Stud. Appl. Math., 92:1--15, 1994.
- 24
H. Domingues.
The dual algebra of the Dirichlet coalgebra.
Rev. Mat. Estatist., 1:7--13, 1983.
(MR 86i:05022).
- 25
J.P. Fillmore and S.G. Williamson.
A linear algebra setting for the Rota-Mullin theory of
polynomials of binomial type.
Lin. and Multilin. Alg., 1:67--80, 1973.
(MR 47#9321b).
- 26
J.M. Freeman.
Orthogonality via transforms.
Stud. Appl. Math., 77:119--127, 1987.
(MR 90g:42046).
- 27
A.M. Garsia.
An exposé of the Mullin-Rota theory of polynomials of
binomial type.
Lin. and Multilin. Alg., 1:47--65, 1973.
- 28
A.M. Garsia and S. Joni.
Higher dimensional polynomials of binomial type and formal power
series inversion.
Comm. Algebra, 6:1187--1211, 1978.
(MR 58#10484).
- 29
B. Germano and P.E. Ricci.
Umbral calculus and orthogonal systems.
Rend. Mat. Appl., 12(1):217--233, 1992.
(Zbl. 754, 20).
- 30
L. Giraitis.
A central limit theorem for polynomial forms I.
Liet. matem. rink. (=Litov. mat. sbor.), 29(2):266--289, 1989.
(MR 91c:60026).
- 31
L. Giraitis.
A central limit theorem for polynomial forms II.
Liet. matem. rink. (=Litov. mat. sbor.), 29(4):682--700, 1989.
(MR 91m:60040).
- 32
L. Giraitis and D. Surgailis.
Multivariate Appell polynomials and the central limit theorem.
In Dependence in probability and statistics, volume 11 of
Progress Prob. Stat., pages 21--71. Birkhäuser, 1986.
(MR 89c:60024).
- 33
S. Grabiner.
Convergent expansions and bounded operators in the umbral calculus.
Adv. Math., 72:132--167, 1988.
(MR 90c:05015).
- 34
S. Grabiner.
Using Banach algebras to do analysis with the umbral calculus.
In Conference on Automatic Continuity and Banach Algebras,
volume 21, pages 170--185. Proc. Centre Math. Anal. Austral. Nat. Univ, 1989.
(MR 91j:46097).
- 35
A. Guinand.
The umbral method: A survey of elementary mnemonic and manipulative
Amer. Math. Monthly, 86:187--195, 1979.
(MR 80e:05001).
- 36
H. Gzyl.
Interpretacion combinatorica de polinomios de tipa binomial.
Acta Cient. Venezolana, 27:244--246, 1976.
(MR 55#118).
- 37
H. Gzyl.
Canonical transformations, umbral calculus and orthogonal theory.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 111:547--558, 1985.
(MR 87e:05019).
- 38
H. Gzyl.
Umbral calculus via integral transforms.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 129:315--325, 1988.
(MR 89a:05022).
- 39
H. Gzyl.
Hamilton Flows and Evolution Semigroups, volume 239 of
Research Notes in Mathematics.
Pitman, 1990.
- 40
P.S. Hirschhorn and L.A. Raphael.
Coalgebraic foundations of the method of divided differences.
Adv. Math., 91:75--135, 1992.
(MR 92m:05012).
- 41
J. Hofbauer.
A short proof of the Lagrange-Good formula.
Discr. Math., 25:135--139, 1979.
(MR 81e:05019).
- 42
E.C. Ihrig and M.E.H. Ismail.
On an umbral calculus.
In 10th Proc. Southeastern Conf. Combinatorics, Graph Theory,
Computing, Boca Raton, pages 523--528, 1979.
(MR 82b:13010).
- 43
E.C. Ihrig and M.E.H. Ismail.
A q-umbral calculus.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 84:178--207, 1981.
(MR 83a:05011).
- 44
M.E.H. Ismail.
Polynomials of binomial type and approximation theory.
J. Approx. Th., 23:177--186, 1978.
(MR 81a:41033).
- 45
S.A. Joni.
Polynomials of binomial type and the Lagrange inversion
PhD thesis, University of California, La Jolla, 1977.
- 46
S.A. Joni.
Lagrange inversion in higher dimension and umbral operators.
J. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 6:111--121, 1978.
(MR 58#10485).
- 47
S.A. Joni.
Multivariate exponential operators.
Stud. Appl. Math., 62:175--182, 1980.
(MR 81c:41050).
- 48
A.N. Kholodov.
The umbral calculus and orthogonal polynomials.
Acta Appl. Math., 19:1--54, 1990.
(MR 92b:33022).
- 49
A.N. Kholodov.
The umbral calculus on logarithmic algebras.
Acta Appl. Math., 19:55--76, 1990.
(MR 91k:05014).
- 50
A.N. Kholodov.
Formal coalgebras and applications.
J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 85:271--310, 1993.
- 51
P. Kirschenhofer.
Binomialfolgen, Shefferfolgen und Faktorfolgen in den
Sitzungber. Abt. II Österr. Akad. Wiss. Math. Naturw. Kl.,
188:263--315, 1979.
(MR 82d:05013).
- 52
Ch. Krattenthaler.
Operator methods and Lagrange inversion.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, 305:431--465, 1988.
(MR 89d:05017).
- 53
T. Kreid.
Combinatorial operators.
Comment. Math. Prace Math., 29:243--249, 1990.
(MR 92d:05014).
- 54
T. Kreid.
Combinatorial sequences of polynomials.
Comment. Math. Prace Math., 29:233--242, 1990.
(MR 92h:05012).
- 55
S.G. Kurbanov and V.M. Maksimov.
Mutual expansions of differential operators and divided difference
Dokl. Akad. Nauk UzSSR, 4:8--9, 1986.
(MR 87k:05021).
- 56
A. Kyriakoussis.
Asymptotically minimum variance unbiased estimation for a class of
power series distributions.
Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 37:241--250, 1985.
(MR 86j:62064).
- 57
D.E. Loeb.
The iterated logarithmic algebra.
PhD thesis, MIT, 1989.
- 58
D.E. Loeb.
Sequences of symmetric functions of binomial type.
Stud. Appl. Math., 83:1--30, 1990.
(MR 92e:05012).
- 59
D.E. Loeb.
The iterated logarithmic algebra.
Adv. Math., 86:155--234, 1991.
(MR 92g:05022).
- 60
D.E. Loeb and G.-C. Rota.
Formal power series of logarithmic type.
Adv. Math., 75:1--118, 1988.
(MR 90f:05014).
- 61
Ya. M. Lvovskii and E.G. Tsylova.
Proof of limit theorems for Pólya distributions using the
generalized Appell polynomials.
J. Soviet Math., 41:877--881, 1988.
(MR 89k:62024).
- 62
G Markowsky.
Differential operators and the theory of binomial enumeration.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 63:145--155, 1978.
(MR 58#21666).
- 63
J. Meixner.
Orthogonale Polynomsysteme mit einer besonderen Gestalt der
erzeugenden Funktion ,(German) Orthogonal polynomial systems with a a
generating function of a special form.
J. London Math. Soc., 9:6--13, 1934.
(Zbl. 7, 307).
- 64
P. Michor.
Contributions to finite operator calculus in several variables.
J. Combin. Inform. System Sci., 4:39--65, 1979.
(MR 81b:05013).
- 65
G. Moldovan.
Algebraic properties of a class of positive convolution operators.
Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai Math., 26:9--14, 1981.
(MR 83i:41029).
- 66
R.A. Morris, editor.
Umbral calculus and Hopf algebras, volume 6 of
Contemporary Mathematics.
Amer. Math. Soc., 1982.
(MR 83a:05001).
- 67
R. Mullin and G.-C. Rota.
On the foundations of combinatorial theory III. Theory of
binomial enumeration.
In Harris, editor, Graph theory and its applications, pages
167--213. Academic Press, 1970.
(MR 43#65).
- 68
W. Nichols and M.E. Sweedler.
Hopf algebras and combinatorics.
In Umbral calculus and Hopf algebras, volume 6 of
Contemporary Mathematics, pages 49--84. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 1982.
(MR 83g:16019).
- 69
H. Niederhausen.
Methoden zur Berechnung exakter Verteilungen vom
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Typ.
Technical Report 99, Technical Univ. Graz, Austria, 1978.
- 70
H. Niederhausen.
Linear recurrences under side conditions.
Eur. J. Combin., 1:353--368, 1980.
(MR 83c:05009).
- 71
H. Niederhausen.
Sheffer polynomials and linear recurrences.
Congr. Num., 29:689--698, 1980.
(MR 82m:05012).
- 72
H. Niederhausen.
Sheffer polynomials in path enumeration.
Congr. Num., 26:281--294, 1980.
(MR 82d:05015).
- 73
H. Niederhausen.
Sheffer polynomials for computing exact Kolmogorov-Smirnov and
Rényi type distributions.
Ann. Statist., 9:923--944, 1981.
(MR 84b:62067).
- 74
H. Niederhausen.
How many paths cross at least l given lattice points.
Congr. Num., 36:161--173, 1982.
(MR 85b:05014).
- 75
H. Niederhausen.
Sheffer polynomials for computing Takács's goodness-of-fit
Ann. Statist., 11:600--606, 1983.
(MR 84h:62077).
- 76
H. Niederhausen.
A formula for explicit solutions of certain linear recursions on
polynomial sequences.
Congr. Num., 49:87--98, 1985.
(MR 87j:11018).
- 77
H. Niederhausen.
The enumeration of restricted random walks by Sheffer polynomials
with applications to statistics.
J. Statist. Planning & Inference, 14:95--114, 1986.
(MR 87j:05015).
- 78
H. Niederhausen.
Lagrange inversion via transforms.
Congr. Num., 54:55--62, 1986.
(MR 88e:05012).
- 79
H. Niederhausen.
Initial value problems in the logarithmic algebra.
Discr. Math., 94:23--37, 1991.
(MR 92m:05013).
- 80
C. Parrish.
Multivariate umbral calculus.
J. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 6:93--109, 1978.
(MR 58#10487).
- 81
S. Pincherle and U. Amaldi.
Le operazioni distributive e le loro applicazioni all'analisi.
N. Zanichelli, Bologna, 1901.
(esp. pp. 130-139).
- 82
R. Rasala.
The Rodrigues formula and polynomial differential operators.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 84:443--482, 1981.
(MR 83g:33009).
- 83
N. Ray.
Extensions of umbral calculus, penumbral coalgebras and generalized
Bernoulli numbers.
Adv. Math., 61:49--100, 1986.
(MR 88b:05019).
- 84
N. Ray.
Symbolic calculus: a 19th century approach to MU and BP.
In Homotopy theory (Durham 1985), volume 117 of London
Math. Soc. Lect. Notes Series, pages 195--238. Cambridge University Press,
(MR 89k:55007).
- 85
N. Ray.
Umbral calculus, binomial enumeration and chromatic polynomials.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 309:191--213, 1988.
(MR 89k:05014).
- 86
N. Ray.
Loops on the 3-sphere and umbral calculus, volume 96 of
Cont. Math., pages 297--302.
Amer.Math. Soc., 1989.
(MR 90i:55006).
- 87
N. Ray.
Stirling and Bernoulli numbers for complex oriented homology
theory, volume 1370 of Lect. Notes in Math., pages 362--373.
Springer, Berlin, 1989.
(MR 90f:55010).
- 88
N. Ray.
Tutte algebras of graphs and formal group theory.
Proc. London Math. Soc., 65:23--45, 1992.
(Zbl. 773,05049).
- 89
N. Ray and C. Wright.
Colourings and partition types: a generalised chromatic polynomial.
Ars Combin., 25 B:277--286, 1988.
(MR 89e:05092).
- 90
M. Razpet.
An application of the umbral calculus.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 149:1--16, 1990.
(MR 91i:05018).
- 91
M. Razpet.
A new class of polynomials with applications.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 150:85--99, 1990.
(MR 91i:05020).
- 92
D.L. Reiner.
Multivariate sequences of binomial type.
Stud. Appl. Math., 57 (2):119--133, 1977.
(MR 58#21668).
- 93
D.L. Reiner.
The combinatorics of polynomial sequences.
Stud. Appl. Math., 58:95--117, 1978.
(MR 58#260).
- 94
S.M. Roman.
The algebra of formal series.
Adv. Math., 31:309--329, 1979.
(MR 81b:05016 a/b); erratum Adv. Math. 35, 1980, 274.
- 95
S.M. Roman.
The algebra of formal series. III. several variables.
J. Approx. Theory, 26:340--381, 1979.
(MR 81i:05023b).
- 96
S.M. Roman.
Polynomials, power series and interpolation.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 80:333--371, 1981.
(MR 83k:41006).
- 97
S.M. Roman.
The theory of umbral calculus I.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 87:58--115, 1982.
(MR 84c:05008a).
- 98
S.M. Roman.
The theory of umbral calculus II.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 89:290--314, 1982.
(MR 84c:05008b).
- 99
S.M. Roman.
The theory of umbral calculus III.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 95:528--563, 1983.
(MR 85e:05020).
- 100
S.M. Roman.
The umbral calculus.
Academic Press, 1984.
(MR 87c:05015 = Zbl. 536.33001).
- 101
S.M. Roman.
More on the umbral calculus, with emphasis on the q-umbral calculus.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 107:222--254, 1985.
(MR 86h:05024).
- 102
S.M. Roman.
The logarithmic binomial formula.
Amer. Math. Monthly, 99:641--648, 1992.
(MR 93h:05014).
- 103
S.M. Roman.
The harmonic logarithms and the binomial formula.
J. Combin. Theory, 63:143--163, 1993.
(MR 94i:05007).
- 104
S.M. Roman, P.N. De Land, R.C. Shiflett, and H.S. Schultz.
The umbral calculus and the solution to certain recurrence relations.
J. Comb. Inf. Syst. Sci., 8:235--240, 1983.
(MR 87b:05026).
- 105
S.M. Roman and G.-C. Rota.
The umbral calculus.
Adv. Math., 27:95--188, 1978.
(MR 58#5256).
- 106
G.-C. Rota.
The number of partitions of a set.
Amer. Math. Monthly, 71:498--504, 1964.
(MR 28#5009).
- 107
G.-C. Rota, D. Kahaner, and A. Odlyzko.
On the foundations of combinatorial theory VII. Finite operator
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 42:684--760, 1973.
(MR 49#10556).
- 108
G.-C. Rota and B.D. Taylor.
The classical umbral calculus.
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 25:694--711, 1994.
- 109
I.M. Sheffer.
Some properties of polynomial sets of type zero.
Duke Math. J., 5:590--622, 1939.
(Zbl. 22, 15; MR 1, 15).
- 110
E.S.W. Shiu.
Proofs of central-difference interpolation formulas.
J. Approx. Theory, 35:177--180, 1982.
(MR 84i:41004).
- 111
E.S.W. Shiu.
Steffensen's poweroids.
Scand. Actuar. J., 2:123--128, 1982.
(MR 83m:62167).
- 112
S.N. Singh and S. Asthana.
Multivariate shift invariant operators.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 118:422--442, 1986.
(MR ?).
- 113
A J. Stam.
Polynomials of binomial type and renewal sequences.
Stud. Appl. Math., 77:183--193, 1987.
(MR 90m:60097).
- 114
A J Stam.
Polynomials of binomial type and compound Poisson processes.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 130:493--508, 1988.
(MR 89d:60134).
- 115
A J. Stam.
Lagrange's theorem, polynomials of convolution type and probability
Technical Report W-9011, University of Groningen, September 1990.
- 116
J. F. Steffensen.
On a special type of polynomials.
Mat. Tidsskr. B., pages 6--9, 1950.
(MR 12, 409).
- 117
J.F Steffensen.
The poweroid, an extension of the mathematical notion of power.
Acta Math., 73:333--366, 1941.
(MR 3, 326).
- 118
J.F. Steffensen.
On a class of polynomials.
Mat. Tidsskr. B, 1945:10--14, 1945.
(MR 7, 157).
- 119
J.F. Steffensen.
On the polynomials ,
and .
Acta Math., 78:291--314, 1946.
(MR 8, 155).
- 120
E.J. Taft.
Combinatorial sequences as sequences of divided powers.
Congr. Num., 36:23--26, 1982.
(MR 85g:05024).
- 121
E.G. Tashes.
Application of the Liouville-Steklov method to orthogonal
Appell polynomials in two variables.
In Application of functional analysis in approximation theory,
pages 76--82. Gos. univ. Kalinin, 1988.
(MR 90b:33026).
- 122
K. Ueno.
Umbral calculus and special functions.
Adv Math., 67:174--229, 1988.
(Zbl. 645.05011; MR 88m:05012).
- 123
K. Ueno.
Hypergeometric series formulas through operator calculus.
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, 33:493--518, 1990.
(MR 92b:33004).
- 124
L. Verde-Star.
Dual operators and Lagrange inversion in several variables.
Adv. Math., 58:89--108, 1985.
(MR 87d:05027).
- 125
L. Verde-Star.
Interpolation and combinatorial functions.
Stud. Appl. Math., 79:65--92, 1988.
(MR 91b:05012).
- 126
L. Verde-Star.
Divided differences and combinatorial identities.
Stud. Appl. Math., 85:215--242, 1991.
(MR 92i:65027).
- 127
L. Verde-Star.
Polynomial sequences of interpolatory type.
Stud. Appl. Math., 53:153--171, 1993.
(MR 94d:41008).
- 128
L. Verde-Star.
Operator identities and the solution of linear matrix difference and
differential identities.
Stud. Appl. Math., 91:153--177, 1994.
- 129
O.V. Viskov.
Operator characterization of generalized Appell polynomials.
Sov. Math. Dokl., 16:1521--1524, 1975.
(MR 52#14416).
- 130
O.V. Viskov.
On bases in the space of polynomials.
Sov. Math. Dokl., 19:250--253, 1978.
(MR 58#10854).
- 131
O.V. Viskov.
Inversion of power series and Lagrange inversion.
Sov. Math. Dokl., 22:330--332, 1980.
(MR 82d:30002).
- 132
M. Ward.
A calculus of sequences.
Amer. J. Math., 58:255--266, 1936.
(Zbl. 14, 56).
- 133
T. Watanabe.
On a dual relation for addition formulas of additive groups: I.
Nagoya Math. J., 94:171--191, 1984.
(MR 86f:05020).
- 134
T. Watanabe.
On a dual relation for addition formulas of additive groups: II.
Nagoya Math. J., 97:95--135, 1985.
(MR 86i:05023).
- 135
T. Watanabe.
On a generalization of polynomials in the ballot problem.
J. Statist. Planning & Inference, 14:143--152, 1986.
(MR 87j:05024).
- 136
T. Watanabe.
On a determinant sequence in the lattice path counting.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 123:401--414, 1987.
(MR 88g:05015).
- 137
B.G Wilson and F.J. Rogers.
Umbral calculus and the theory of multispecies nonideal gases.
Phys. A, 139:359--386, 1986.
(MR 88d:82024).
- 138
D. Zeilberger.
Some comments on Rota's umbral calculus.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 74:456--463, 1980.
(MR 81e:05025). /