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Chair of Probability and Statistics /
Research of Alessandro Di Bucchianico
Our dear colleague Alessandro Di Bucchianico has sadly passed away due to illness in July 2024
(In Memoriam).
This personal website will remain available for the time being (without any further updates).
You may wish to consult my list
of publications.
My main research interests are:
- Statistical Process Control
- control charts for specific alternative hypotheses
- foundations of SPC in view of big data challenges
- Condition Based Maintenance
- integration of SPC monitoring procedures with predictive maintenance
- data pooling in view of big data challenges
- Reliability Theory
- correct inference for software reliability models
- test plans for reliability testing
- Importance Sampling applications to semiconductor production problems
- Statistical education
- teaching DOE, see
Statlab for a in-house developed teaching tool
- teaching to properly use software in projects
- Statistical computing
- use of R in industrial context
- literate reporting